We’ve been creating this bimonthly magazine for a little more than two years now, and it’s a labor of love for all involved. Hardly a day goes by when someone mentions to me how much they enjoy reading and looking at UpCountry Magazine. That is so heartening.
Hearing from you helps keep us on track. It lets us know we’re doing a decent job entertaining, informing and enlightening you. Of course, all the credit goes to the fine staff here who do all the heavy lifting and all the correspondents who contribute brilliant articles and fabulous photography.
To that end, let’s keep hearing from you. We love to hear your ideas about what and who you’d like us to feature in UpCountry Magazine. Tell us what it is that makes UpCountry enjoyable to you. What would make it more enjoyable? More relevant? Is there an area we’re not getting to that we should be taking a look at.
Please, share your thoughts with me. The easiest way to reach me is via email at kmoran@berkshireeagle.com.
Oh, and by the way, enjoy this issue of UpCountry!
Kevin Moran, Executive Editor