Online Reach
Each issue is shared via email by all Vermont News & Media subscribers – 15k.
52k average website/month.
Online article views range from 2-10k.
Top Towns/Cities – Online Reach:
Boston, MA, New York, NY, Brattleboro, VT, Bennington, VT and Manchester, VT.
100K Reach on Facebook, and 10k on Instagram (per year)
Social media Top Towns/Cities:
Pittsfield, MA, New York, NY, Brattleboro, VT, North
Adams, MA, Bennington, VT, and Manchester, VT.
Print Distribution
10,000 total copies per issue.
3500 copies are mailed to homes in Windham County.
3500 copies are mailed to homes in Bennington County.
3000 copies are distributed by partner locations.
These establishments, including renowned restaurants, hotels, B&Bs, ski lodges, golf courses, and more, generously provide our magazine as a courtesy to their valued customers.

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